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iteration 14: Lockdown Special

A lockdown project to reactivate lost momentum due to strict Covid restrictions in 2021.


"Kitchen tables and other claimed and compromised spaces of making reflected scattered and deformed plans. When everything was suspended and submerged - we made work for each other. Gift, reciprocity and connection; the demoted and misplaced reasons became the cornerstone of making as our regular dominant economies and demanding schedules dissolved. The promise of a future encounter - a lipstick kiss on the calendar, to summon, whenever needed - it was there." (Natalie Tozer)


11 artists each made a series of 11 (or 12 for symmetry) small works to split up and gift to each other after lockdown: Michelle Reid, Inga Fillary, Ekaterina Dimieva, Tori Beech, Su Nelson, Janet Mazenier, Karen Rubado, Jana Wood, Veronica Herber, Lucy Boermans and Nat Tozer

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