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Study in Red, rescued timber, glazed ceramic & terracotta clay, yarn, crayon
Bringing together very different types of reds, forms, and matter into a kind of alchemy of differences with one unifying identity.

Nown, glazed terracotta clay, wool, 10 x 60 x 90 mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Scap, ceramic, rescued timber, yarn - 160 x 210 x 110mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Plek, glazed ceramic, fishing line - 170 x 70 x 70 mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Hairly, ceramic, rescued timber, spun flax - 430 x 80 x 50 mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Plurp, rescued timber, glazed ceramic, gold leaf, yarn - 155 x 140 x 90 mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Moog, rescued timber, clay, wool, acrylic compound, spray paint - 320 x 180 x 130mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Elboze, glazed ceramic, rescued timber, spun flax - 270 x 490 x 260mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Chankd, ceramic, liquid charcoal, acrylic, yarn - 260 x 120 x 90mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Legz, rescued timber, clay, liquid charcoal, spun flax - 565 x 130 x 130mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Flossy, rescued timber, animal fur, charcoal activated dental floss, hair extensions - 360 x 400 x 80mm
Part of a series of devil-may-care ‘objectionables’: authentically expressive, non-conformist, sometimes creaturely objects – unique in their own particular ratios of hardness, softness, silliness, and brokenness.

Dark Matter, glazed ceramic, spray paint, grass
Created by drips and blobs of clay slip until it became a vessel that contains.

Hug in Bronze, solid bronze pieces x 10, overall dimensions approx. 570 x 300mm
The cast negative space of a hug between the artist and her daughter. A future relic of the past, like a fossil you might see in a museum. An expression of love captured and treasured, weighty and solid. Available for exhibition, custom commission, or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Everything is Awesome, glazed ceramic 360 x 260mm
Everything is awesome…or is it? This work speaks of utopian facades and colonial constructs. Inspired by the finger marks left by early civilisations in ancient caves – real people, different context. What eventually ‘cracks the porcelain’ when something is fundamentally unsustainable? Can we claw our way out of embedded narratives?

Alone Together, bronzed grass, 140mm long
Like blades of grass that make a lawn or meadow, we are alone together. Not one without the other.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Hestia II, rescued timber, clay, human hair
part of a series exploring ‘unholy’ trinities: unidealised relationships of the primal, bodily, and emotional realms. Goddess of hearth and home, Hestia represents our inner archetype that keeps the fires burning in dark places. Rigid angles offer security and enclosure with a softened ‘fourth wall’ and a lean that begs balance between the mutual support of self and environment.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Hestia I – rescued Matai, human hair 400 x 200mm
Part of a series exploring the ‘unholy trinity’ (body, shadow, emotions). Goddess of hearth and home, Hestia represents our inner archetype that keeps the fires burning when it matters most. Sometimes the most noble accomplishments are the domestic kind, the consistent reliable commitment to community, nourishment and manaakitanga.

Crone, glazed ceramic, 360 x 260mm
A nod to the non-linear effects of time. As gravity pulls things downward, spirit rises, wisdom deepens, and enduring humour twinkles.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Earth Shrine, rescued timber, soil, plants, water, recycled chain and clay elements, approx. 1200 x 1000mm
An apocolyptic garden celebrating the sustaining elements of life on Earth. Flowers, alive and delicate; emblems
of love, grief, apology, celebration and the divine feminine. Four elements – earth, air, fire, and water represented in sculptural clay elements (coal, emergency whistle, birthday candles, and a chained watering vessel). A vase that holds no water, inspired by the voluptuous figurine known as Venus of Willendorf – one of humankind’s earliest sculptures symbolizing the epitome of fertility and abundance.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.
of love, grief, apology, celebration and the divine feminine. Four elements – earth, air, fire, and water represented in sculptural clay elements (coal, emergency whistle, birthday candles, and a chained watering vessel). A vase that holds no water, inspired by the voluptuous figurine known as Venus of Willendorf – one of humankind’s earliest sculptures symbolizing the epitome of fertility and abundance.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Sometimes a Wild God - knitted poem, wood and wool, 680 x 610mm
Knitted poem using coded stitch. A slow, sequential intermingling of language and physicality, letter-by-letter, word-by-word, loop-by-loop. A poet’s (Tom Hiron's) powerfully loaded words are transformed from arbitrary squiggles on a page into a tangle of soft matter. Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Plasticine Drawing I, 300mm x 180mm

Context, print studio rag, tape, gilded frame, 680 x 560mm
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Torn, paper, glue, lightbox, 1m x 600mm
Holding the space between beauty and distress, light and dark.
Commission enquiries via form below.
Commission enquiries via form below.

Don't Make Me Come in There, mixed media lightbox, 525 x 370 x 90mm
The chaos inside is only revealed after dark.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.
Available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Burned, oil on wood, fire, multiple pieces of varying size
These works represent the axed and charred remnants of one large artwork that will never again be knitted together into one whole picture. A comment on the exclusion of 'herstories' in the 'history' books. Individual pieces sold separately.
Available for purchase (limited stock). Enquiries via form below.
Available for purchase (limited stock). Enquiries via form below.

Studies in Plasticine, A4 pastel paper
Various studio studies available for exhibition or purchase. Enquiries via form below.

Divine Darwinism, oil and glitter on canvas – 510 x 610mm
Finding spirituality in the miracles of nature and evolution.
Available for purchase. Enquiries via form below.
Available for purchase. Enquiries via form below.
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